Thank you for your interest in helping bring exposure to VCU’s animal research program. There are many ways you can help raise awareness about the plight of animals at VCU and some only take a minute of your time. Please click the links below to learn more about how you can help and feel free to contact us if you have other ideas on how to help. You can reach us HERE.

If you are a current VCU student who is interested to help, contact us via our CONTACT FORM. We would love to talk to you about ways you can help the effort to bring exposure to VCU’s animal research program. From petitions, to class assignments, to questioning the administration, there are a great many possibilities. 

If you are a student at VCU Health Systems and have any information, knowledge, pictures, or stories about the animal research program, we would very much like to hear from you via our CONTACT FORM.

Call or email VCU President Michael Rao and politely express your opinions on their animal research program. Ask him to honor their prior statements and commit to sending their opioid research primates to an accredited sanctuary and to commit to more transparency into their animal research program.

President Rao can be reached at or 804-828-1200.

VCU’s Facebook page is a prominent source of information for students, potential students, visitors, and sponsors. Sharing your concern about VCU’s animal research program is a good way to inform others so they can make educated decisions.

Click THIS LINK to express your polite views on VCU’s animal research program at the school’s Facebook page.

Signing PETA’s Action Alert will generate an email to VCU expressing your views on their animal research program.

It takes less than a minute to add your voice to the growing chorus opposing VCU’s cruel experiments.

Click THIS LINK to sign PETA’s action alert.

Follow the EARR Facebook Page to stay up to date on the latest news and developments.

Click THIS LINK to visit our Facebook page.

If you are opposed to VCU’s animal research program, consider where you spend your money.

Whether you’re thinking about going to a VCU basketball game, shopping at the school bookstore, or supporting one of their many sponsors, also think about the animals suffering in their experiments. Your dollars are your voice – think before you spend.

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